GTO Tasks in SSB

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 GTO Tasks in SSB:  The GTO is a series of outdoor tasks, designed to assesses a candidate's qualities in a group and how they get involved with each other in a group. The GTO (Group Testing Officer) test series are conducted on Day 3 & 4 of the SSB (In AFSB, GTO test series are conducted on Day 2 & 3 or Day 3 & 4). The Group Testing Officer assess the individual in the group based on their performances in the various tests, the ways they have planned and set their goals in each test, keeping in mind the interest of the group.

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There are 9 tests in the GTO Test Series in SSB Interview. Some of them are in a group and some are individual tests.

1. GD (Group Discussion)Time Duration given to candidates: 40 minutes approx. (20 minutes each for a Group Discussion)

Group Discussions will be conducted. The First Group Discussion is usually of a debatable topic and the Second Group Discussion is usually of a social issue.
In the First Group Discussion, 2 topics will be given by the GTO out of which the candidates have to choose one topic. 1 minute will be given to the group to decide the topic and start their discussion on the chosen topic.
In the Second Group Discussion, the GTO will give the topic for the discussion related to any social issue.

2. GPE (Group Planning Exercise)
Time Duration for this task: 30 minutes approx.
The Group Testing Officer will brief the candidates about a situation which will be supported by a map and it would have some problem and candidates will have to think the best possible solution to that solution.
After the briefing, 10 minutes would be given to the candidates to formulate their plans to overcome the situation and write them down.
Then 20 minutes are given to the group to discuss amongst them and come up with a strategic plan of action to tackle the situation.
After the end of the discussion, the group will nominate a candidate to narrate the group’s plan to the GTO.

3. PGT (Progressive Group Task)

Time Duration: 45 minutes
A series of 3 or 4 Major Obstacles will be there. Each Major Obstacle will contain  2 or 3 small Sub Obstacles within them.
The task of the group is to overcome all the Major Obstacles in the given time.
Helping material provided: Rope, Plank, Wooden Log and Load.
Apart from this, there will be some rules that have to be followed.

4. HGT (Half Group Task)
Time Duration: 10 minutes approx.
Similar to the PGT but only 1 Major Obstacle has to be tackled.
The group size will be halved. 
Each half group will attempt a different obstacle.
Helping material provided: Rope, Plank, Wooden Log and Load.
Apart from this, there will be some rules that have to be followed.

5. GOR (Group Obstacle Race)
Time Duration: 30 Minutes
Also known as Snake Race.
All the GTO Groups will be competing with each other in a race.
The race will have some obstacles between the start and the finish line.
The group has to hold a rolled up tent during the entire duration of the race treating it as an additional group member and taking it through the obstacles.
Apart from this there will be some rules that have to be followed.

6. IO (Individual Obstacles)
Time Duration: 3 minutes composite.
10 obstacles are there.
Each candidate will individually run the course of the 10 obstacles.
Each obstacle is numbered from 1-10 which also depicts the marks that it carries.
The obstacle course can be attempted in any manner and it’s not necessary to go sequentially.
If a candidate has completed all the obstacles and still has time left they can repeat the obstacles.
Apart from this there will be some rules that have to be followed.

7. CT (Command Task)
Time Duration: (5 – 15) minutes
The GTO will brief the candidate about the obstacle and makes him/her a  commander.
The GTO asks the candidate to call 2 subordinates.
The commander (candidate) has to tackle the given obstacle with the help of their sub-ordinates within a given time frame.
Helping material provided: Rope, Plank, Wooden Log, Load and other task related materials.
Apart from this, there will be some rules that have to be followed.

8. Lecturette
Time Duration: 6 minutes approx.
4 topics will be given. One topic has to be selected.
3 minutes are given to the candidate to formulate the points and organize the lecture.
3 minutes are given to the candidate to speak on the topic selected and deliver the lecture.

9. FGT (Final Group Task)
Time Duration: 5 minutes approx.
Similar to the PGT but only 1 Major Obstacle has to be tackled.
Helping material provided: Rope, Plank, Wooden Log and Load.
Apart from this, there will be some rules that have to be followed.

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