How Many Candidates Attempt and Clear SSB Interview?

1 minute read

 After we published a detailed report on the number of candidates clear the CDS exam, many aspirants emailed us regarding the low selection rate at the SSB interview. They want to know similar statistics for the various SSB interview entries. So, in this article, we are going to look at the number of candidates who attend the SSB interview and how many of them actually clear the SSB interview every year. These statistics are based on major defense written exams like CDS, NDA, and AFCAT.

SSB interview is conducted by the services selection board (SSB) across the country. To get the SSB interview call letter one must pass the written exams like CDS, NDA, AFCAT, INET, TA, etc. One can also get them directly SSB interview call letter, such entries are called direct entries, one is shortlisted for the SSB based on their aggregate percentage in their graduation. Some of such entries are TGC, SSC-Tech, and NCC Special. SSB interview is a 5 days process which mainly consists of Stage-1 and Stage-2. Stage-1 consists of OIR Test and PPDT also known as the screening test. Stage-2 consists of Psychology Tests, Personal interview, and GTO. One needs to clear the Stage-1 testing to reach Stage-2. SSB interview is conducted to select the potential future officers for Army, Navy, and Airforce.

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