Which are the toughest boards for ssb interview?

2 minute read

 A large number of misperceptions exist about SSB. One such popular misperception is that Allahabad is a 'rejection centre'. This perception is absolutely false and has no factual data to support.

The clearance percentage from any SSB in India will be approximately 10-12%. The selection system keeps having periodic standardisation exercises to ensure that assessment system is uniform across all the SSBs. In simple words the chances of selection/rejection of a candidate are almost same irrespective of which SSB he lands up at for assessment.

There is a rationale which explains this misperception. Since approximately 88-90% candidates get rejected the numbers would be much larger from the centre having more SSBs. Allahabad has 5 SSBs, while Bangalore has only 3 SSBs. Thus the number of candidates getting rejected from Allahabad would always be much larger than Bangalore, despite the percentage of rejection being the same. Thus the misperception has been created that Allahabad is a 'rejection centre'.

Another popular, but highly stupid or laughable perception is that the mess staff, room bearers, etc are all part of the assessment system and candidates have to be careful about their behaviour in front of them. This perception is absolutely nonsensical!

Every boards follow the same rules as others boards , the term tough is arrives when the selection rate is low which completely depends on the performance of the candidates . No officer wants that he don’t want to recommend any candidate willingly .

It’s myth that this board is toughest and that board is easy there is nothing like that you can get recommend from the toughest board you were imagined and at the same time you might get screened out from the board you thought easy to .

So it’s completely your prospective on how you approach a particular SSB knowing the procedure , are you mentally prepared for the SSB , how logical are you ??.This are the things you need to focus on rather than finding out which boards is easy to get recommend .

Prepare in a such way you can get recommended from any of the given board , if you report to any SSB board thinking this going to tough because of the stories you have heard then it may affect your performance .

Just trust your knowledge , your logical reasoning , and don’t try to prove that you are the best . Be yourself ,use your logical thinking , and most important thing enjoy the process .

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