Recently coming SRT in SSB Interview

1 minute read


Last Updated -19 Sept 2020

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SRT-19 Sept 2020
 👉He is performing the duties of officer mess Havaldar and there is often a complaint of bad quality of food. He..

👉His commanding officer asked him to give him 4 blankets for his residence. He..

👉He wanted to carry extra rum bottles while going on leave but canteen officer refused to give him. He..

👉He was in Nagaland jungle and he saw six tribals with lathis rushing to him. He..

👉He went to buy a ticket to travel by rail. On getting the ticket he found that his purse was missing. He..

👉He was going on a cycle in thick jungle. It was already dark and his destination was 10 Km away. His cycle got punctured. He..

👉He wanted to borrow money for his sister’s marriage. The very relation who assured him declined to lend him at the time of marriage. He..

👉His father has a dispute with his uncle on land property. He...

👉He went to college and some rowdy students told him to boycott the college class. He...

👉He was travelling on his Scooter and at gunpoint, someone demanded his purse. He...

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