Last Updated - 3 Oct 2020
WAT-3 Oct 2020
👉 Leadership
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SRT-18 June 2020
👉While sleeping at night he hears a dreadful cry on enquiring, he finds that his neighbours was lying unconscious with a knife in his chest. He.........
👉All of a sudden fire broke out in his village and flames are approaching the hay stack. He........
👉While watching a movie he hears a shout of fire, in a corner. He......
👉He was returning home late one night on foot and suddenly a big snake came in front of him. He........
👉In the night patrolling exercise he suddenly falls in a blind and dry well. Fortunately, he has escaped unhurt but he can not come out himself. He........
👉He does not drink his friends insist that he drink, being his marriage party. He......
👉He was on his usual evening walk when he saw a man being thrown out of a speeding taxi. He.........
👉He is in a great hurry to reach home but finds an old man who has fainted on the way. He will.......
👉He is going on a scooter and he is not carrying a license, the policeman demands to see his license. He will......
👉He is sitting in the examination hall and he can not solve most of the problems and passing is important for him. He......
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WAT-15 June 2020
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SRT-15 June 2020
👉He was swimming in the middle of the canal when a sudden cramp in the leg made him helpless he looked around for help but there was none in sight. Seeing a buffalo approaching towards him He.......
👉When a group of boys of his class wanted to absent themselves from the class,he refused to cooperate with them and they started abusing him. He.........
👉He was the best debator in the college but one day before the contest he received a telegram about the illness of his grandmother whom he loved very much. He.........
👉He along with his friends had set out on a trip to snow bound area all went well until one of them developed high fever. He..........
👉He was required to take part in college seminar when he went to the library for getting books on the subject, he found that all the books had already been issued to others. He.......
👉He has to go to final round of interview and the whole city is shut down without transportation as a big leader dies. He.........
👉He was the captain of the college aquatics team in a tournament and one of their important player was unable to take part. He.......
👉Although he had confirmed ticket but the conductor was refusing his entry in the compartment and the train was about to move. He........
👉He is a South Indian and doesn't know Hindi well, while going to SSB at Allahabad, He lost his purse in train. He...........
👉He wanted to get migration certificate from the university .He was not granted leave to go to university so He..........
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WAT-14 June 2020
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SRT-14 June 2020
👉He is the captain of college cricket team,Son of principle is opening batsman but his performance is very poor, He will....
👉He was going for an interview in a taxi and it met with an accident and he was getting late, he will..
👉He went to his best friends birthday part where he saw few other classmates drinking and shouting, he will..
👉His Brother lost all his money in gambling and fell ill, he will......
👉He was travelling in a train suddenly he saw two man with knife harassing an old lady, He will...
👉While travelling in train, you see group of saniyasis taking "Ganja" near the washbasin and it causes severe breath trouble to passengers, He will....
👉He was taking his sister from his village to nearby town for her regular check up as she is pregnant. Suddenly, while crossing a jungle area, he see a person snatching chain of lady and ran away. He will....
👉He is in serious love with a girl and while he return late from 2nd show of film, He saw her with his neighbour. He will.......
👉He was going to get a train by 10.30 am, its already 10 am. The usual journey time is half an hour. On the way he saw old lady getting fainted in the road while crossing it. He will...
👉His brother got selected for the state level cricket tournament left the home for railway station without the bat. He noticed and rushed to the railway station without taking the original license and traffic police makes you to wait and enquire, he will.....
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WAT-08 June 2020
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SRT-08 June 2020
👉His professor asked a wish to you. What would be his desire. He.......
👉In an informal discussion he always.......
👉It was night and train at high speed when a huge built man with pistol entered his compartment and tried to take his suitcase. He........
👉He went to library for a very urgent book and found that all its copies were already issued to others. He......
👉Four of them decided to go on foot from Dehradon to mussoorie but the day it started raining and they were told the mountain slopes would be slippery. So he......
👉You were on picnic where a boy (not your friend )stole mangoes and the gardener came out with stick. He......
👉During blackout exercise you were scout on duty but one rich man adamant on keeping his lights on you. You.........
👉The sea was very rough and it was night. Ship duty officer fell in the sea while talking a round. He.......
👉On his 1st visit to snow bound area you saw a man being under snow. He......
👉He was going to examination hall and suddenly surrounded by 2 police man. He......
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WAT-07 June 2020
👉 Night
👉 Obey
👉 Paper
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SRT-07 June 2020
👉He is a horse rider. Once the horse went out of control. He..........
👉In a fit of anger your friend hit him. He……..
👉While hunting you and your brother lost way in dark (night) in jungle and you have no light. He……..
👉In your village two leading parties got in conflict during sarpanch election. He......
👉Whenever your opinion differs from others. He........
👉He were called for interview for a job you badly needed. But same day was his final exam...............
👉He had boarded a wrong train and only two minutes were for the right train to start He............
👉Generally people don't listen to his argument. He......
👉As cricket match was on, a fight suddenly started between the sympathizers of the rival team. As the captain he.............
👉While playing match he
Got his ankle badly injured. He.....
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WAT-06 June 2020
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SRT-06 June 2020
👉His fellow passenger shook him out of his sleep and asked him for some money because his pocket had been picked and his ticket also was gone. The ticket collector had come in their compartment. He.........
👉While on their back from the picnic party in the evening hardly half of them had crossed the river when the rope bridge broke. He.......
👉His father ,an army officer was returning victorious from the war and he had gone to receive him at the railway station. As he was waiting for the train to arrive he heard a loud explosion. It was the ammunition wagon behind him which had caught. He.........
👉They were climbing a small rock and were about to reach the top when they saw the sand beneath their feet sliding. There was nothing around them to hold on to He........
👉He is in final year BA and his father lost his job.He....
👉In his train compartment two gunman forces passenger to give their belongings. He......
👉All his family members are ill and his father is out of town. There is no money at home. He.......
👉He and his friends are travelling from a speedy train when his friend look out of window and gets hit by a pole. He......
👉He is new in nagaland. He gets lost in a jungle and sees armed nagas, He.......
👉He feels disguised as people with whom he deals are not cooperative but self centered. He..........
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WAT-05 June 2020
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SRT-05 June 2020
👉A friendly discussion took up to an intense level with one of his friend. He......
👉His project was criticized n the exhibition. He......
👉He was a trekking trip with his friends in Shimla, when he discovered that one of his friends was missing. He....
👉He failed in exam even after bold efforts. He.....
👉He has to reach Delhi urgently but waiting list is 120. He......
👉He is new in town and doesn't know local language. He....
👉His boss reprimand him in the presence of others what will be his reaction......
👉He was new in the town. He was surrounded by some people. He.....
👉He was watching movie in a theatre ,suddenly the screen catches fire. He.....
👉When his boss doesn't agree to his view point. He.....
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WAT-04 June 2020
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SRT-04 June 2020
👉When the bus overturned during the journey many people got injured seriously, while he escaped with minor scratches. He.......
👉He was passing through a jungle along with his five friends. All of a sudden he found that a tiger was standing at a distance of 10m from them. He....
👉His fellow passenger shook him out of his sleep and asked him for some money and his ticket also was gone. The ticket collector had come in their compartment .He......
👉He is in charge of mess and finds that mess funds are being misused. He....
👉He is studying for his exams in a room and an acquaintance comes in an and get comfortable. He.....
👉There is a drought in his village and the condition is getting really bad. He......
👉He performs very poor in his studies. He......
👉All his family members are ill and his father is out of town. There is no money in the home. He.....
👉He is perfect in his hostel. He noticed two of his friends French bunking. He....
👉He is a student of final year and his father expires. Uncle throw him out of the house. He.......
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