Kya SSB Interview Hindi me de sakte hai?


 Hello, I hope that you have read and understood all the information given by me carefully. Even today we have brought information about a great job for you. Many of our readers prepare day and night for government jobs. Keeping the same thing in mind, today we will talk about how to clear the most difficult defense exam interview and what are SSB interviews? How this happens, will give complete information .

What is SSB Interview?:-

The Service Selection Board (SSB) was created by the Ministry of Defense to select the candidates for the officer level posts of the Indian Army, Airforce and Navy. SSB conducts interview of candidates for Indian Armed Forces in which candidates are assessed on physical, mental and psychological abilities. The job of SSB is to recruit good candidates by evaluating the candidates. SSB interview is one of the toughest interview in our country. Hardly 6% to 10% people are able to clear the SSB interview. With the success percentage of SSB interview, you can imagine yourself how difficult this interview is.

Stages of SSB Interview:-

Friends, the interview of SSB lasts for 5 days and in these 5 days there are different types of interviews on different days. In an interview 80% mental literacy and 20% physical fitness are tested. It is conducted by SSB INTERVIEW (SERVICE SELECTION BOARD). SSB works under the Ministry of Defence. Interviews are conducted in 11 different parts of our country. The candidates who pass this interview are sent for training. There are total 8 training centers in our country.

SSB Interview Center in India:-

SSB interview is conducted in different centers for Army, Air Force and Navy. Now I am giving you a list of some of these centers which are as follows-

There are 3 main SSB centers in the Indian Army:

  1. Selection centre of East: Allahabad
  2. In West Selection centre: Bhopal
  3. The southern part of Selection centre: Banglore

There are 4 main SSB centers in AFSB (Air Force Selection Board):

  1. Dehradun
  2. Mysore
  3. Gandhi Nagar
  4. Varanasi

There are 3 main SSB centers in the Indian Navy:

  1. Bhopal
  2. Bangalore
  3. Coimbatore

Eligibility for SSB Exam 2020-21

Candidates who clear the first round of recruitment/recruitment process become eligible for SSB interview/exam. Apart from this,  it is necessary for male/female candidates to be unmarried to appear for SSB interview  .

How can you appear for SSB interview

For SSB interview, you have to clear the army recruitment exam conducted by the Ministry of Defense, Government of India. For SSB interview you have to clear exams like NDA/NA, CDS, AFCAT, TES, SSC (T) and UES. Sometimes some candidates are called for SSB interview through DIECT LEETER.

When you get the call letter for SSB interview then you have to visit your SSB center on the given date. The government provides the traveling allowance to the candidate for going to SSB CENTER.

Defense Recruitment 2020-21

Recruitment in the Indian Armed Forces takes place in 4 main stages. SSB is the second stage of the interview process in which the interview is conducted in 5 days.

Step- 1 : Shortlisting/Written Test

Candidates have to clear entrance test like NDA, CDSE, AFCAT or shortlisting of merit list candidates will appear for SSB interview. It is different for every post.

Step- 2  Process of SSB Interview

SSB interview is of 5 days in which different tests are taken every day. The whole test is divided into 2 stages in 5 days.

Stage I :  Screening Test

Stage II:  Psychological Test, Group Testing Officers Test (GTO Interview), Personal Interview, Conference.

Step-3: Medical Examination: -

After 5 days interview process selected candidates are sent for medical examination.

Step-4: Shortlisting of All India Merit List:-

The candidates who clear the medical exam then their merit list is drawn then the candidates who accept the offer join the defense forces as an officer.

SSB Interview Process 2020:-

The entire process of SSB interview lasts for 5 days.


Selected candidates have to report at their designated SSB Interview Centre. You can go to the SSB center by yourself or you can go to the nearest railway station with the representative of the Armed Forces.

Candidates are required to report their SSB interview on date and time. Those who delay reporting are disqualified. For reporting, it is necessary to carry the call letter and admit card and other documents which have to be submitted to the board officer. All the documents are verified on the reporting day itself and after verification chest number is allotted to the candidates. For the complete process  

How to Crack SSB Interview (How to Crack SSB Interview in Hindi)

Friends, when we go to pass any interview, first of all we should get all the information about that interview. As we know that SSB interview is for 5 days, then we should first of all know what will be done to you in these 5 days, which qualities will be checked, what tests will be done in these 5 days. You should know about all the things you will have to take, which exams you will have to give, etc. When you have all these information about SSB interview, then only you can do your preparation in the right direction and only then you can clear the SSB interview.

Now I will give you information about all these things in very detail. In the interview, you are tested for OLQs (OFFICER LIKE QUALITY). In this interview your decision making ability is tested how you can solve any problem. And how can we solve that problem without harming anyone.

With this interview it is seen whether you have the understanding to solve military problems or not, how do you decide to solve any problem.

Here is what is SSB interview. We want to say to the rest of you that any student who wants to prepare for the defense examination through Hindi medium,  take admission  and give a new flight to your golden future.

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